Delta Timing Group - Contractor License                     5/16/2019 - 8:49 PM
              Perry Division II District - 5/16/2019 to 5/18/2019               
                               Perry High School                                
Event 2  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
 Top 4 Advance to Regionals                                                     
    District: @ 7:58.14  5/21/2015   Lake Cath., Lake Cath.                     
                         M Bull, J Keating, B O'Toole, J Pritchard              
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Chardon Ndcl                                      8:12.30    8:15.13   10   
     1) #725 Karl King 12               2) #704 Harmond Richardson 11           
     3) #731 Jacob Gerhardt 11          4) #722 Cal Yackin 12                   
  2 West Geauga                                       8:21.00    8:23.27    8   
     1) #932 Patrick Garrett 10         2) #915 John Patterson 10               
     3) #900 Joey Tirabasi 11           4) #925 Kenneth Kirk 10                 
  3 Orange                                            8:41.00    8:52.27    6   
     1) #109 Eddie Harrell 12           2) #120 Omer Sarig 11                   
     3) #123 Andy Saks 12               4) #116 Sam Roll 10                     
  4 Conneaut                                          8:52.19    8:56.58    5   
     1) #906 Chase Carpenter 9          2) #911 Jed Nadeau 12                   
     3) #909 Logan Poore 11             4) #901 Tyler Hayes 11                  
  5 Berkshire                                         9:00.00    9:07.73    4   
     1) #482 Ethan Bennington 11        2) #485 Kevin Murphy 11                 
     3) #460 Caleb Klem 11              4) #429 Nicholas Washell 10             
  6 Perry                                             9:30.00    9:15.86    3   
     1) #657 Isaac Balistreri 9         2) #660 Dillon Hull 10                  
     3) #662 Joseph Wills 11            4) #661 Daniel Lynch 10                 
  7 Beachwood                                         9:00.00    9:17.05    2   
     1) #843 Achintya Kaw 10            2) #831 Roni Chajmovic 10               
     3) #832 Matthew Friedman 12        4) #848 Greg Perryman 9                 
  8 Grand Valley                                      9:41.00   10:08.12    1   
     1) #759 Maxwell Bozardus 9         2) #771 Greg Leyda 10                   
     3) #755 Blade Stout 10             4) #705 Alex Sullivan 9                 
  9 Wickliffe                                         9:45.00   10:27.68        
     1) #330 Giovanni Hernandez 9       2) #314 Cole Stevenson 11               
     3) #320 Robert King 9              4) #304 Nathan Humbert 10               
                          Men - Team Rankings - 4 Events Scored                 
    1) Perry                       40        2) Beachwood                  21   
    3) Conneaut                    19        4) Orange                     17   
    5) Grand Valley                14        6) Wickliffe                  11   
    6) Chardon NDCL                11        8) West Geauga                 8   
    9) Hawken                       6       10) Cle. JFK                    4   
   10) Berkshire                    4